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Wichtige Information zum Ortszuschlag!

Tarifvertrag Überleitung für das neue Tarifrecht öD

Redaktionsverhandlungen zum Überleitungstarifvertrag

Tarif-Verhandlungen mit Ländern gescheitert


Aktuelle Präsentationen zur Tarifrunde 2005

Aktuelle Informationen zur Tarifrunde 2005

Große Tarifkommission der GdP stimmt Potsdamer Verhandlungsergebnis zu

This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen.