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Tarifpolitische Information

Kein Angebot der Arbeitgeber in zweiter Verhandlungsrunde

Die zweite Verhandlungsrunde, die am 26./27. Februar in Potsdam stattgefunden hat, ist am Freitagmittag ohne An­ge­bot der Arbeitgeberseite beendet worden. Es gab in keinem Punkt eine verbindliche Zusage der Arbeitgeber.

This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen. This link is for the Robots and should not be seen.